A Group of One

THE ONE AND NO OTHER: WE ARE A GROUP OF ONE (The Otherworldly report)  

This pandemic has illuminated a lot… what needs to go, what needs to stay, and what needed to be remembered.   We share this brilliant blue ball in an infinite sky. Infinity is as far as the eye can’t see, both inward and outward. If we take the time we have now been given and look deeply inside, we will act accordingly on the outside.  

This is not our forever home. We are here temporarily, renting if you will. We cannot own a piece of this planet, we cannot subdivide. We share the space, the land, the air, the breath. EVERYTHING we do affects the other.  

When the focus shifts from I and ME to WE, things will change. But “I want to go to the beach!”  “I want to go shopping!”  “These are MY rights!”   When we act out of selfishness, even in the name of freedom, it becomes greedom. We are children throwing tantrums because we aren’t getting what we want.

Beneath the mask we don’t want to wear is yet another mask we need to remove, revealing our commonality. Forget acting like an adult. Act like an antibody. It’s our job now.   Respect your elders, protect your elders. No one is expendable.   Looking back and wishing for the past is not productive. It wasn’t working. We can no longer plan for the future when we have no idea what it might be.

We’ve been humbled by a virus, by a germ, leaving us with nothing but this moment. All we have is now. Things will never be the same on planet Earth. And thank God for that.   This is kindergarten material that we should have learned the first time. We are being given another chance. We cannot follow the leader. We need to be one.   So, remember your nursery rhymes and adjust accordingly.

This little piggy went to market (for someone else.) This little piggy stayed home (for someone else.) This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none (soon neither may have any,  but if you have it, please SHARE..) And this little piggy went WEE, WEE, WEE (WE?) all the way home!  

Ashes ashes, we ALL fall down. Using I-sight, we are blind. We need to shift from I to WE. This too shall pass and so will we.   In the meantime, speak softly and drop the stick. We are a group of ONE.

We have gone viral. BE the antibody.                  


what is this yearning

for something already known…

deeply familiar

what is this attempt

to try to fill emptiness

when it can fill me

seemingly ceaseless

colorful parade of thoughts…

who is witnessing?                                  

it waits for me there                

before my very next breath

where it can be felt

everything, nothing

encompassing, including,

with nothing left out

residing beneath

continued activity

call it under-mind

it is so subtle

this cool, weightless blanket of

overwhelming peace

patient, considerate

tucked away in the silence

never intrusive                                                

it isn’t hiding

waiting to be invited                            

Divinely polite

I reach for it now 

pulling it up around me

enveloped by love                                                                    





at the end of the exhale

…through Robyn Justo

“We don’t ‘come into’ this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree…”

Alan Wilson Watts

We arrive, eyes wide with wonder, gazing into the space above us, with only a thin layer of skin appearing to hold us in and separate us from all else that we see.

We are born wondering, begging for the answers about what is surrounding us when we appear here, somewhere in the middle.  We are told not to be so curious and not to question but simply accept.

This reality mimics our sleeping state but few notice the striking resemblance.  In our dreams we observe what is happening.

There are so many clues for us here and more than anything dreams remind us to question and remember.  Science does as well, explaining that matter in any form is simple energy in vibration.

There is a state in which there is no movement similar to the sleeping body as it dreams.  Everything arises from there.  It’s what we are in essence.  There are many words, names, and pronouns that might be used to describe this essence, but words only give rise to limitation and it is impossible to limit the infinite.

We are the particle in this body and the infinite wave of potentiality in the space around us.  It has been proven that we are 99% space and yet we are obsessed with matter.

This book will gently focus on that space, the pause between breaths, that familiar emptiness that we all share and sadly learn to fear over time, failingly attempting to fill it throughout our lives.

It is vast.  It is infinite.  It can never be filled and it wasn’t meant to be.

sometimes it happens

that we think about our life

in a different way

there is a yearning

nothing else will satisfy

like it has before



like spokes in my wheel of life

with me as focus

appear at random

from a transient center

deceivingly real

how small this world is…

accepting limitation

of a spark Divine

the infinite sky

in every direction

cannot exclude me

never questioning

I cannot understand this

and I let it go

forgetting I AM…

never being other than

original Self

to try to measure

or attempt to understand

this infinity…

it is a bit like

attempting to butter bread

with a piece of string

it cannot be learned,

understood or shared this way…

this experience

it can’t be contained…

a mere moment shattering

all concepts of life


“Mother, Father God.

How long have I been dreaming?”

“Not long at all, Child.”


“But where did I go?

How long have I been away?”

“You never left us.”


children enter here

not having the memories

of what came before

everything is new…

each and every moment

in awe and delight

they don’t remember…

memories and illusions

travel hand in hand


when I was little

I wanted to kiss the moon

and hug every cloud

seeing the distance

between the infinite stars

my soul yearned to soar

I remember tears

when no one understood this…

I chose to forget

my eyes had to close

from the pain of believing

that this life is real

and I pretended

that what I knew was not there…

until this moment


with my first inhale,

my eyes opening on Earth

I start to forget

donning a mantle

and concealing the kingdom

that lies within me

my eyes close to dream

and I leave limitation

expanding again

the door of my heart

opening as I exhale…

ebbing to the Source

always present here…

in the Infinite ocean

that I know so well


spirits playing games

on Earth, embracing shadows

children…far from home


chicken or the egg?

I am the egg, fertilized

by the breath of God

I take my first breath

after God’s exhalation

of the dream of me

and then comes that time

when I am inhaled again

taking me back home


the Artist dreams us…

the Divine colors offered

as they paint our souls


a beautiful shell…

such fascination until

the pearl emerges


a continuum…

and we are interjected

on that screen of life

and we are the fruit…

we’re ripening and falling

from the vine of life

immeasurable units of infinity

unimaginably large…

as small as nothing

we have it backwards

collective dyslexia

in this Uniserve


our stay is brief here

will we spread peace or disdain

to our fellow guests?

the auto immune

body of humanity

attacking itself

our vision is blurred

the ego sees what it is

and not what it’s not


we spend our lives here

just trying to fill the space

we feel is empty

why are we here now?

is it to accumulate

or to procreate?

it feels trivial

to simply accumulate,

never questioning

when is it enough?

when do we have what we want?

is it what we need?

hungry eyes open

looking for acknowledgment

from those who can’t see


the Earth is our sandbox…

we can manifest matter

but then what is next?


in dreams we are free…

in what we call wakefulness

we are trapped inside

a mind awakens

a soul outgrowing its skin

a heart expanding


I have lived this life

sometimes with one eye open

and tears that fill both


we simply are here

with life moving through our forms

until it doesn’t

interesting how

we think that we have control

and entitlement

reminders appear…

disease, effects of nature

and yet we persist

we stand defiant…

waving our fists in the air,

angry at ourselves

fighting to stay here

often desiring to be

other than we are

sweet humility

and surrender forgotten

until we recall…

what moves through us all

that Who, that What…we are that…

how can it be named?


the ebb and the flow…

desires that come and go,

the catch and release


have you asked yourself

what is the experience

that calls itself ME?

observing oneself

and losing locality…

we are all that IS

imagine one cell

having all of our coding

for all that we are

yet still that one cell

is not our entirety

when standing alone

it identifies…

so important in essence

both part and parcel

the ego thinks “I’m all that.”

the soul knows “I’m all that IS”…

observing itself…


what is that creature

that struggles with gravity…

forgetting its wings

It has forgotten

that to evolve from that state

it has to cocoon

there is another…

it is called a human being

who does the same thing

yet each can transform,

remembering the process

of going within

emerging again

there is no past resemblance…

life begins anew


please blindfold me now

to distractions of this world

so I can see you

open my hands now

empty them so that I can

finally hold you



we are fractured and splintered

void of true nature


not one of us stands alone

or unaffected

and free will offers

a choice to ignore this truth

and remain sleeping


and we turn our backs,

walking in our own shadows

forgetting the light

cosmic breadcrumbs are

lovingly placed to assist…

to find our way home


eternal moment

what has humanity done

to make you smaller

blissful, infinite

cut into minutes, hours,

days and months and years

it is no wonder

that humans feel so small here

trapped in illusion


if only we could

remember how this dream ends…

or when it started


when we are dreaming

with whose eyes are we seeing

if ours are closed?

when we are dreaming

where and when do we enter

or do we observe?

everything seems real…

all people, places, and things

but we are watching

this is our first clue

that perhaps this existence

is similar here

are we beginning,

perhaps entering midstream,

this circle of life?

were we always there

in various shapes and forms

observing ourselves?


we are sand paintings

on an eternal canvas

fearing not the wind


such movement in dreams

no body to hold us back

what perfect freedom

to hold a loved one

who has disappeared from Earth

in our arms again

and I wonder if

this state of being is ours

if we simply ask


is this life I live

simply a Divine daydream

of my waking mind?


opening my eyes,

I drown in shallow dream pools

of this existence


when something inside

just has to find the answer,

the journey begins

why am I here now

when temporal things all pass away

as they always do

the questions arise

but only in the silence

without any words

pretending to sleep

illusion of amnesia

is this all a dream?

closing my eyes now

sleeping mind creates my dreams

and they seem so real

all of the details

and everything around me

is gone when I wake


sometimes it happens

that we think about our life

in a different way

there is a yearning

nothing else will satisfy

like it has before


row, row, row your boat

and the clues are everywhere

life is but a dream


starlight to dawn light

softly awakening me

with warm sun kisses


velvet rose petals

softly brushed against my cheek

leaving nature’s blush


when my breath ceases

continuing as a breeze

or a gentle wave

it is infinite

and my will becomes Thy will

breathing me again


leaving density

floating free, untethered now

ready to go home


nowhere to go now

nothing to do except be

believe and be love


when the world is loud

I will demand the silence…

the sound of I AM


a world without thoughts

delight in the ecstasy

of losing your mind


hold with open hands

always prepared to release

as nothing is ours…


my heart flutters now

like very tiny bird wings

ready to take flight


I want to be a

feather on a falling leaf

landing softly now

together as one

both shed without resistance

drifting from above


I’m lost without you

Mother Earth, sweetest Gaia

Cuddle me now…please

our Mother loves us

her gentle waves cleansing us

her winds dry our skin

our Mother holds us

her fertile earth giving us

everything we need


how does one begin

writing about something that

has no beginning?

so much like a dream…

we are suddenly immersed

right in the middle

such is existence

no beginning and no end

then we arrive here


do you really think

that something as thin as skin

could hold your soul in?

science is proving

that atoms are mostly space

so the question is…

if we’re mostly space,

why not occupy that space

to infinity?


realizing that

as we lose locality…

we’re a group of one


if we have a name

we also have an ego

welcome to the world

I really wonder

what our lives would be like here

if we had no names


what do we look like…

we can see a reflection

in a mirrored glass

who are we really…

we can see our true image

in another’s eyes

when ego shatters

like the glass of the mirror

the image dissolves


I can only see

my reflection in a mirror

when there is light and in another when there is darkness


God is disguised as

all humans…and presidents,

enemies, myself


we are projecting…

the ego sees what it is

outside of itself


space is infinite,

and our choice makes it finite

creating matter


hysterical bliss

a mind without thoughts

delight in the ecstasy


watching the magic

lighting up the world today

the veil has vanished


what is the question,

what is the antecedent?

nothing came before


if we remember

that we are all are Who breathes us

everything will change

everything we see

and there is no exception

is the Divine breath

we are reminded…

Kingdom of God is within…

we feel a stirring

we are reminded…

like a whisper in a dream

calling so softly

we are reminded

God is knocking on the door

but from the inside!!


recognizing now

all the disguises of God

nothing is left out


the sound of silence

grows louder as it fills me…

space tickles my ears


we are empty space…

formlessness that takes a shape

for just a while here

feeling so humbled

remembering what I am

and have always been


there is no movement

just the sensation of it

here in the stillness

no fear or hatred

just an impression of it

from a restless dream

how can this be real

when there is no permanence

in anything here

the words and concepts

only complicate it all

when it is simple

so self-distracted

we are the avatars here

conceived by the One

fractal extensions

of a dreaming creator

observing itself


time is dissolving

into the space of pure love

never being real



notice who is around you…

be considerate

regarding Spirit…

words and preaching aren’t helpful…

be the example


the day is hiding

but light finds a secret place

and peeks through star eyes

the moonlight streaks in

and illuminates the way

back to my dream home


eyes closed, breathing in

the wind whispers its response

in sweet reverence


a lightworker’s path…

a daily purge of ego

into purity


a mind awakens

a soul outgrowing its skin

a heart expanding

looking all around

seeing mirror images

of what I call me


we enter midstream

as all life does here on Earth

and leave when it’s time

be like the fall leaf

as it patiently awaits

its blessed release


heart muscles hurt good

laughter, my sweet anecdote

the best exercise


when we’ve become bored

with chasing shadows on Earth

we will be called home


I am what breathes me

the One is duplicating

and life will expand

space is infinite

and choice makes matter finite

it is all free will

no start to it all

we arrive in the middle

thinking “This is ME”


I want to reside

in the space between these breaths…

end of the exhale

I lived here before

surrounded by blissful peace

before I arrived

nothing to do here

and there are no memories

past, present, future

this place is my home

I am never far from it

when I remember


time to release now

we can hold with open hands

loosening our grip

what we see and feel

was never meant to be ours

in whatever form

our relationships

and all that we feel for them

are transient here

humans, things, feelings

everything passes away

without a mere trace

ownership here

just observing things that pass…

this catch and release

there is such freedom

embracing impermanence

as form turns to light


there comes a point when

the flame only burns to be

one with the Divine


my soul quivering

shifting between dimensions

observing itself


there was nothing here

the elements combining

create constantly

I am what breathes me,

activates the Universe…

all part and process

when analysis

gives way to pure awareness

we experience

we need the right tools

a net cannot carry sand

the heart hears whispers

beliefs and concepts

are all gently surrendered

to what always was


we are units of


wearing our disguise


regarding our birth

our “conception” merely thought…

Divine intention


Death is not a loss of life, but a loss of density.  The space that surrounds us contains the essence of those who have passed from this dimension.  It is where we came from before we arrived here, as part of something else, part of our Mother and Father, part of their parents, and our great-grandparents, and so on as the ancestral thread continues backwards into emptiness.

During a recent meditation, I could feel my Mother who had left her body.  I could see her smile and she said, “I live here.  It’s beautiful.”  I cried and the tiny cave that was my heart fell away as it broke wide open and was instantly filled with immeasurable love and compassion.  My tears watered that seed that had been lying dormant in my heart, expanding to the many mansions in my Father’s house.

This book was written to start the process of the dissolution of the dream of separateness.  Everyone has the free will and choice to consider it or not.  The intent was to bring attention to the space that science is proving that we are.  We are the particle in this body and also the wave of endless potentiality in the porosity of what we are…the emptiness.

To name this essence, this space, is to limit it.  If it must be named, you can choose what you would like to call it, Christ, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Goddess, All That Is, He, She, It, Source, Life, Love, or God.

I chose to call it God in these writings to make is simple.

No gender, religion, or belief system is implied.

Everything around us, including us, happens in the middle of eternity, appearing out of nowhere, beginning with an idea, a desire, and attracting the elements categorized as the building blocks of matter.

As if in a dream, seemingly random personages and things appear and disappear while we remain still and motionless.

All is conceived.

Jesus was the Divine Idea, the immaculate conception.  He had all of the sacred aspects of compassion, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness.  We donned a mantle when we arrived, concealing the kingdom of Heaven, that God seed, deep within the center of our being.  We have been given the free will to remove that veil and remember the truth at any time.

When we abide in the immensity of our true nature, there is no birth or death or identities or veils of separateness.  It includes everything created, dissolved, and yet to be created, both seen and unseen.  Every person, every single thing, every galaxy, every grain of sand, and every thought and emotion.

Every whisper, every tear,

all of the memories and the infinite future.

There is space in the heart for it all.

That which is love is seamless and without edges and that which isn’t love is also always included and will be absorbed, melting into the only eventuality.

Without the restrictions of the cage of the human body or the constricts of the mind, we are unconditional love.  When one is allowed to feel this even for a moment, it is overwhelming.  We become the love that we have been looking for on this planet.  Unconditional love breaks open our hearts.  Without exception, it only hurts when we hold it in.

Perhaps enlightenment is about shedding what we are not.  Maybe ascension isn’t about escaping what is happening or transforming into something else as much as it is about remembering what we truly are, that God seed in each and every one of us that animates us through breath, soul, life, and love.

We meditate to try to empty our minds and yet fill our lives to capacity, missing what we hide from ourselves in plain sight.

God has not been knocking on the door to get in.

We just need to let him out.

If just for a moment, we can take our feet off the hamster wheel of life and our hands off the steering wheel, and occupy that space, we might find that it is perfect, it is peaceful.

It is God…it is us.

The Meditation…

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes if you choose.

As you inhale, imagine two swinging doors or curtains in the center of your chest that gently close with the inbreath.

It might feel unnatural or counterintuitive to close them as you breathe in, but please try it.

As you exhale, allow the doors to open softly and effortlessly and simply observe.

Remaining open at the end of the exhale reminds us to bring ourselves back to that space of expansion of the heart into all that is and to let God OUT.